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Lovely 😍 There is potential!

You forgot the lockdown error message for the DMG because, I played Rugrats totally angelica while using a DMG Classic Game Boy and I can see the message that says this game can only be played on game boy color so, I used the gameboy color and It works!

Would you be sure to watch the video on youtube?

I bet you can add a lockdown screen for dmg if you set it on Color Only with GB Studio Settings.

You are absolutely right, I completely forgot to add the lock for DMG. I will add it in the next update. Thanks for reminding me.

You're Welcome :)

I'd love to know what's going on under the hood here, this is a fine start 👍

Just by way of a bug report, this build (v0.10) did break for me at one point - after fighting another two foot soldiers, during which the camera is static, instead of the camera unlocking and scrolling again, in this one instance the camera unlocked to focus back on the player, then locked again - I was able to resume normal play by moving offscreen over to the right until I hit the next trigger, after which everything returned to normal.


Thanks for the report! I will make some adjustments to mitigate or even eliminate the bug.

THAT was rad! Lookin' forward to seein' the game that comes from this. Makin' a template version would also be real neat.

This is awesome


Nunca me dejan de sorprender!! muy bueno!!!

Looks very promising!